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Thursday, 18 February 2016


Hon Justice John Tsoho
A good government leads by example, by demonstrating it's full commitment to the practice of human rights, adhering to due process and promoting the rule of law in order to strengthen, rather than undermine democracy. It has been a rough period since Hitler Buhari claimed the mantle of leadership. There has been lots of dictatorial drama playing out and Nigeria cannot make it no matter how much she tries. 
Art 15 section 1 of the 1948 UN universal declaration of Human right stipulated that every one has right to a Nationality, section 2 also stated that "no one shall be impoverished of a Nationality", Buhari again broke these laws. 
Zarah the daughter of Muhammadu Hitler Buhari is actually a British citizen, she possesses dual passports, one British and another, Nigeria.... same as Nnamdi Kanu. 
On the Federal High Court Abuja, the presiding judge Hon Justice John Tsoho denied the defendant Nnamdi Kanu the leader of IPOB bail, saying that he is a threat to national security and if released might jump bail because he possessed dual citizenship. Therefore, I want to bring to the notice of the world that Zarah Hitler Buhari is guilty of the same offence Nnamdi Kanu was accused of "dual citizenship". If Mr Kanu was detained, dehumanized and subjected to all manner of sufferings because of the above offence, Zarah Hitler Buhari is also a threat to national security, and should be arrested, tortured and detained too. I humbly wish to ask Hon John Tsoho what he has to say on this, can he use those convicted words he used on Mr Kanu on Zarah? Can he call a spade by its name by bringing the culprit Zarah and his father to book? I leave him to answer these questions. 
In the words of Nnamdi Kanu he said "they will kill us but at the end Biafra will come", and that's exactly what the tyrant is doing. Muhammadu Hitler Buhari sent the whole Army battalion to massacre Biafra agitators on February 9th 2016. Such activities only end up breeding more and increase the tension. Locking up a man for his ideology and killing his people are not a modern day tactics else you will end up breeding militias, Hitler Buhari is not a modern day man and choose to flow his old style in a modern world [old wine in a new wine jar] with the continuous detention of Nnamdi Kanu and the subsequent harassment and killing of his growing supporters, the Biafrans. The attack on pro Biafra agitators was unprovoked and unjustified as they were neither armed, violent nor posed any threat to the military or to anyone else. 
It often beats my imagination when I see people who are meant to stand up for ordinary man taking sides with tyranny and oppression. An example is Hon John Tsoho, who was bribed and has conspired with Buhari to convict Kanu despite not proven guilty. 


Am asking if the UN charter on the rights of Indigenous people [of Biafra] to self determination has any meaning at all? Why is the UN and the secretary General Ban ki Moon keeping quiet all this while? Is the charter fraud, meant to stir Indigenous People into action at their detriment but to the good of world powers who will rush to sell their weapons when the aggrieved and massacred could not bear it any more, that picking up arms becomes the only alternative. 
When a man is deprived the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw. Time has come for us to take arm and fight our enemies, Biafrans have the right to self defence and its universal and inalienable.

Written  By  Anyikwa Kelechi Cynthia
Edited  Ikechukwu  Nwaorisa


1 comment

  1. onyekachi okoroji19 February 2016 at 00:03

    picking up arms, picking up arms, picking up arms..... thats not the best words to use. you people should advice our directorate of states that they should endeavour to negotiate with world powers and some countries that strictly support us to give us ARSENAL not just arms. Do you guys think we can fight Nigger-area the zoo with just guns and bullets? when they will come with fighter jets and armoured cars and RPG's, missile etc to fight us. Let me make it known before my people that if we just embark on this war with just the ordinary arms we have been lamenting for, i tell you, 1967 genocide will be a child's play compared to what will happen this time around. Have you ever gone into the market place and see biafrans in their tens of thousands doing their normal business and all of a sudden, a fighter jet just comes around and start killing people, have you ever imagined how horrific it will be, where will the traders run to? so we need the same fighter jets to stop them from coming in. We are talking of war here not just riot between two groups. I am ready to join the Biafra military anytime anywhere but after the long training, we will be needing all these because when the war starts and they see that it has taken a different shape unlike the one of 1967, then they will want to negotiate when they must have seen that their people are falling in their numbers daily, then they will call for a stop of the war. Our fearless leader DIM CHUKWUEMEKA ODIMEGWU OJUKWU, in his thought held the war long enough even as the massacre was going on, he saw the heavy killing of his people but couldnt stop the war because he thought that the zoo will call him for a negotiation. How can he be called for a negotiation when the people you wish to call you for a negotiation are already winning the battle, you see why General EFFIONG surrendered? If we had all the armories then, i tell you, nigeria would have bowed out. Brothers and sisters, what we need is an ARSENAL where you will see all manner of warfare etc. we need what they (the zoo) already have. we need armored thanks as well, we need fighter jets etc that is if we must survive this time around, all we need do is to just pretend as if nothing is happening again and pretend as if we have lowered our grievance and stop our agitation, lets be tactical and start training real soldiers secretly and again start seeking for international help for armories, calling for weaponry, before then they must have ordered their battalion to leave BIafra land thinking that it is over, that they have won. For now, they are too ready for us and we are ill prepared, lets not engage into any fight out of anger. lets stop this peaceful protest else it metamorphose into an unplanned war, please lets remember history. left with me, i want this war bacause i want us to give back to the zoo what they have been giving to us for a long time now. they have scattered their military all over biafra land and they have guns and bullets stocked in their mosque and some private places of theirs, they have their wicked batallion already here, tell me whos gonna fight the military, is it you and i that have no experience of war or havent been engaged into any military training before, we havent even handled guns before, how can we fight them? except IPOB as a unit has well trained soldiers locally and internationally and these soldiers must be in their millions that will be dispatched to different states and fully armed with all these air fighters and sea fighters like i mentioned earlier. we also need excess grenades in their tens of thousands. You should remember that we have DETERMINED ENEMIES, they believe in war while we are always weak by always believing that as true so called christians, we do not shade blood, so we need RPG's to be able to destroy the enemy's war planes and ships. We also need to train some naval officers that will shoot at sight any bastard coming across through the water. we need enough food that can sustain us for atleast two years.


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